Secret Garden

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Soaps      Coconut
Contact Name
Mornell Allan

Wotten Waven,
Commonwealth of Dominica

I am Artisan, Mornell Allan and I represent a family-owned business called Secret Garden. Secret Garden is a cottage industry specializing in a range of handmade natural products. These products include artisan herbal soaps, sulfur mineral cream, massage oils and mud masks. The products are created using some of Dominica’s natural resources with uttermost respect and quality being our number one (1) priority.

Two of our most famous soaps are the Cocoa and the Sulfur soaps. The cocoa soap was inspired by one of Dominica’s favorite morning drinks, KAKO tea, which is made from locally sourced cocoa beans. The sulfur soap which is made from sulfur found right in our back yard, is traditionally used to treat acne, pimples and other skin conditions. Our mineral creams, massage oils and mud masks are also made from locally sourced ingredients.

I got into the soap making business after attending a soap–making course at the Old Mill Cultural Centre and I decided to put my training into good use and started the business.

I invite you to view my products and if you need any assistance you may contact me directly at my listed numbers.